Friday, July 30, 2010

Dogs + Balloons = ________.

Drifter, a vet's black lab, plays with a balloon and then finds out what happens when he eats it.

[wpvideo 6M47HJkc]

On Friday, I went out with someone to Portage.  From Anchorage, you go past Girdwood to get to Portage.  I did see my first glacier.  Not that it was super exciting, but it was definitely better than being cooped up in the clinic.  It was nice to get out of Anchorage and see some sights a bit, although it wasn't much.  Below is a picture I took with my phone. Yes, my phone.  Sorry folks, the Canon DOS Digital Rebel XT is no longer in my possession, as it currently resides in Estes Park, CO.  The next picture is of the route from Anchorage to Girdwood and Portage.  The one following that is of a trek that I am probably on as you're reading this.  I'm going down to Sterling which is about 3.5 hours from Anchorage.  I am really looking forward to seeing some more sights there and the guy I'm going with is going to let me borrow his digital camera and I'll just swap out memory cards.  I probably won't get extremely detailed pictures, but it's better than nothing, so watch for those.  I also have some more pictures taken with someone's phone, but they haven't been sent to my computer yet.

I hope you aren't all mad at me for posting this.  It contains a semi-derogatory word, but I thought it was so funny I had to share.  When I saw this I pointed and said to one of the techs "What does that say?" She read it and immediately burst out laughing.  Come to find out the head technician misspelled "pens" as "penls" (with an lowercase L - don't ask me how) and one of the vets walked by and simply dotted the "l" haha.  I snapped a picture before it got erased the next day.


I think this was punishment for not erasing the board.  It was barely sprinkling as I set off on my bike to retrieve some food from the grocery store 15 minutes away.  When I walked out of the store it was raining.  Fifteen minutes later I got back, soaked to the bone... literally. I had to change my bones!


Here are some pictures of some of the patients we have seen this week. The first is a dog that eats absolutely everything.  The second is a cat getting a blood sample drawn from the jugular.  The third is what looks like a moose foot imprinted on a dog's side.  The trauma is unknown.  Could have been a car, could have been a moose, or it could have been a car with a moose foot mounted on it's license plate. WHO KNOWS!  The fourth picture is "Happy".  She's not looking too happy... and lastly we've got an Eastern Box Turtle being operated on!


If this girl can't cheer you up, nothing can! Skully is the sweetest thing. I was fortunate to work with her twice.  She came in on my shift one day and left the next day on my shift (as I had hoped).  I'd love to see her again, just not at the ER.  And then there is this random grouse we got in. Doesn't it make you SMILE!? :D Kind of a cool looking bird actually... I think it's still in it's cage as we're trying to find a home for it! Anyone want a grouse!? I'll stick it in my carry on... they'll never know!


And this picture is the answer to all life's problems - spilled coffee.


I attempted to ride my bike back to the clinic from a coffee shop a couple weeks back and it turned into an absolute disaster.  My coffee spilled on my hands and pants every time I hit a bump, I almost wrecked and by the time I got back my coffee was not only cold, but half gone... So what did I do? It's quite obvious... I shoved a napkin in the hole. The hole responsible for all my life's scars (well I suppose it was a different hole, but still...)  This actually worked though! I didn't spill a single bit. Sure it still leaked, but the napkin soaked up all of it.  Try this next time you get in your car with a coffee!  But, this is the best part... it was free!  Yup, that's right. It doesn't ever hurt to ask "Hey what do you guys do with your left over coffee? Oh really? Well would it be okay if I just got some of the leftovers before I go?"  And that's all my friends.  Have a great day!

...oh I got some free Skull Candy headphones given to me too by the same guy, he just found them while cleaning and was like "Here, want some headphones?" Sure. Why not? Don't worry, I cleaned them.

Note: Sorry again about the poor quality of pictures. I actually spent time editing and cropping, but for some reason none of it was saved and I didn't realize it until after uploading and organizing them.  I'm not too worried, but they may be a little fuzzy.

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